There are already plenty of scientific studies worldwide on whole-body cryotherapy -110°C. According to studies, only this peak temperature achieves “healing effects” and new research results are continually being added, especially in the fields of medicine, sports and beauty.
More and more demanding providers and users – which are increasing, are asking more frequently for valid “proof of efficacy” and effectiveness of cryotherapy -110°C. Specifically, they want to know whether the claims are backed up by studies. For example, the 18% (!) increase in performance in sports, the 60% possible reduction in medication for pain patients, the new findings on strengthening the immune system, and much more.
As a Panacool customer you can score extra points! By using the free and exclusive helpline, you can reach out to the experts who offer immediate and extensive information from their international study database. Show your service in a real positive light –at no extra cost!